Constructed Realities - Apperception Appercieved urban constructions Selective perception combining two instants that unite in one. Capture of a moment from different perspectives. Perceptions and sensations combine and merge, assimilated to and transformed by the residuum of past experience to form a new whole, recreating a subjective expression of the senses reprocessed in the form of photographic constructions. Our perception of the moment is mostly one-sided, biologically determined. We see only a part of the current reality. By means of multiple exposure different moments merge into a single one - time reduction in an unreal, constructed moment. Working Method : All the Constructions displayed were created exclusively by means of double exposure with the camera, without postproduction.. They were photographed both digitally ( Nikon D800 ) and analogue ( Rolleiflex , Leica III , Nikon F3 ) . None of the photographs was digitally manipulated.